May blog
Posted on April 30 2020
Now more than ever I find the adage, “this is how it always is” so true. In times like these, the ability to accept that which we have virtually no control over is humbling. As life begins to return to some type of “new normal”, I know our fortitude will allow us to come through even stronger and only hope the compassion we have witnessed will have a lasting affect!
….and I know we can’t wait to have a reason to actually get dressed up, go out and be seen again!
Everyone wants to have some fun and be happy - and nothing does that better than bright colors - and stripes!
Fun colors just have to put a smile on your face and this easy CP Shades plaid blouse teamed with white Moussy jeans and a favorite Golden Goose sneaker just makes you want to get up and go!

I just can’t get enough of Xirena this time of year- California styling and their fabrics are just perfect for us! This “Channing” blouse is always a hit – especially in this fun stripe!

Icelandic designer Matthildur is known for her wonderful Peruvian cottons and easy styling. This sleeveless dress just fits the bill for what everyone’s looking for right now!

As we are finally able to get out of the house and enjoy some of our beautiful weather – and hopefully some outdoor activities soon- don’t forget the importance of a hat! This beautiful choice from Italian designer Angiolo Frasconi is the perfect finish!

Happy Mother's Day to all my DJ girls and I hope you've been following us on Social Media or checked out our website for some great Mother's Day gift ideas!
Until we are able to open - stay safe, healthy and be happy!
